Yes, all of our software applications include lifetime updates. however, understand that there is a difference between updates and upgrades.

  • Updates are usually comprised of minor fixes and repairs while...

  • Upgrades are new(er) versions of an application which usually include some sort of additional enhancements, features and/or functionalities.

All of our Windows based software are offered with lifetime updates while upgrades are usually offered at a fraction of the new price. In other words, existing customers will receive heavy discounts on newly released upgrades.

Note: We do occasionally offer free upgrades on certain applications for certain versions, there is no guarantee as to when and which software we choose to do this with.

Also Note: You will never be required to upgrade any of our software applications. Upgrades are always optional. In rare occasions, when an upgrade is necessary and/or required, (i.e. security issues), the upgrade will be offered at no additional cost to you. 

Rest assured that once you purchase any of our software applications, you will continue to have unlimited/unrestricted lifetime usage to the software application you've purchased.

In fact, should we ever decide to go out of business or simply stop selling, creating, managing or updating our software applications, our system is set up, designed and developed to ensure unlimited lifetime usage for all valid/confirmed users.

Rest assured, no matter what the future holds in store for us, YOU will have continued usage access to the software, no matter what. Fair enough? Yeah, we think so too.